Certified Vocational Evaluation of Florida

Comprehensive Vocational Evaluations and Community Based Situational Assessments

Certified Vocational Evaluation of Florida

Comprehensive Vocational Evaluations and Community Based Situational Assessments

Comprehensive Vocational Evaluations

Offered Remote, via video-teleconference, or Onsite, at a library conference room near Client's residence.

Community Based Situational Assessments

Vocational interview & testing can be done remotely, but the situational assessment component must be face-to-face/Onsite, often at a library conference room near Client's residence.

Certified Vocational Evaluation of Florida


  • Vocational interview & testing is conducted at library conference room near Client's residence, or ONLINE, via video-teleconference.

Short Turnaround Time

  • Reports are delivered to the VR Counselor in as little as one week after the appointment, depending on the season.

User-Friendly Report Content & Format

  • Key strengths, weaknesses, needs & potentials are summarized up front.
  • All VRC referral questions are answered, point by point.
  • Local Labor Market Research for every recommended job title
  • Interest-Based Work-Personality & Occupational Values/Needs Profiles
  • Worker-Trait Profile (Aptitude & Physical Ratings) is in Client-friendly format.
  • Accommodations & other recommended supports are presented in detail.

Open Communication

  • We keep the VRC informed of case status at every step, via e-mail

  • We welcome special requests (eg: more or fewer job options listed).

Experience & Qualifications

  • All evaluations conducted by a Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE, CRC), with over 25 years of experience